17 Funny Tweets About Men Being Trash

Some people think it's ok to knock over people's trash cans...

That's such a trash opinion. (Sorry the joke sucks)

Our trash man tried to make a Dad joke this morning.

But it was a load of rubbish.

Mom: Can you take out the trash?

Me: Sure. Where do you want to go?

How much training does it take to be a trash collector?

Not much, you pick it up as you go along.

From my 5 year old mind: "Why is trash always sad ?"

Because it's down in the dumps! 😂

My wife asked me to take the trash out.

But it already had a date with the recycling.

I saw one of my neighbors throwing their trash into another neighbor's trashcan

I told him to stop trash passing.

Let's Trash Talk

my pick up is Thursday. how about you?

My son was trash talking Jim Morrison, so I sent him to his room.

Nobody slams the Doors in my house

What did chewy spray on his best friend after he climbed out of the trash compactor?

Han sanitizer

Me: Dad I took out the trash!

Dad: Why did u come back then?

Where does the Lone Ranger take his trash?

To the dump To the dump To the dump dump dump

Me: Honey, did you recycle the old computer, or just throw it in the trash?

My boyfriend: Neither. I put it on the .com-post.

When your trash can isn't really yours.

What do you call a filled trash can?

Trash cannot

How do you make trash soup?

Trash metal, anyone?

Trash can, but I can't.

How much trash do you have to throw in the ocean to make a new country?

None, just some tea

Wife yells from kitchen: Babe, we're almost out of trash bags...

I yelled back: Well why do you keep throwing them away?

I got a very stern look.

Trash men

Landed this on my six year old yesterday

Looks like the trash men are outside arguing. How do you know Dad? I just heard one of them yell this job is garbage!

Lost on him. But I have been laughing fir a day

I need a pun about picking up trash/ cleaning the ocean. Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)

What do you call trash that has existed since 1200 BC?


Because it doesn't age

Idk if this exists already or not but I made it up

What does a painter have in their trash can


My boss asked me if I wanted to take the trash out or fix the roof

So I took the ladder

When I broke my leg, my nice neighbor offered to take out my trash.

That's an offer I can't refuse.

Imagine being such a literal piece of trash...

That sure would stink

Where do you throw your trash at night?

In the dusk-bin

Last October, I was walking through the cemetery and I came across a trash can where someone had thrown out their Kraft halloween monster themed mac and cheese...

It was the mac.

It was the monster mac.

the monster mac

was in the graveyard trash.

What do you call it when a light bulb is falling into a trash can?

It's in-can-descent

I think I'm done buying trash bags.

I always end up throwing them away anyways.

One Man's trash...

Just because you're trash doesn't mean you can't do great things. It's called garbage can, not garbage cannot.

When you drop a lightbulb in the trash can . . .

It's in-can-descent

What do you call lizard that throws trash on the ground?

A litigator

Wife: honey put out the trash

Why, I didn't know it was on fire

Wife told me to take out the trash, so i ask her where she want to eat for dinner tonight.

Was putting out the trash only to discover someone has lost control. imgur.com/17sWnsi

I keep telling my boyfriend I don't want trash lying around the house

So he finally took the hint this morning and moved out.

I keep having to remind my wife & kids not to throw aluminum in the regular trash.

Their commitment to recycling is uncanny.

The cop says, "You can't throw your trash here!"

But officer, the sign right there says, "Fine for littering."

[Request] puns about trash

Starting a waste removal company and looking for some punny name ideas. Dirty puns allowed - I'll clean it up, if needed.

Someone took my broken trash bin, but they left theirs.

I don't know who it was, but I have a lid.

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Source: https://punstoppable.com/trash-puns

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